According to the Kenya demographic health survey (KDHS 2014), Bungoma County is among the top 10 counties with the highest burden of maternal and new-born mortality.
This is attributed with the weak referral system, low 4th ANC uptake and high teenage pregnancy cases. In the FY2019/20 and FY2020/21, Bungoma recorded 12,675 and 14,307 cases of teen pregnancy. 1st ANC attendance was at 87% while 4th ANC attendance remains low at 48% as per the FY 2020/21 data. Equally, Number of maternal mortality increases with each year, 42 deaths were recorded in FY 2020/21, which is higher by 10 deaths compared to previous FY 2019/20.
A fundamental component of democratic governance, advocacy involvement enables RMNCAH Network to actively participate in policy-making, ensure accountability, and help create policies that take into consideration the many needs and values of the community. The network is engaged in policy making process to advocate for adoption and approval of the referral strategy and the community health strategy bills.